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Consulting can be an exciting and lucrative venture. Some people would like to pursue this path but doubt their expertise and abilities. Individuals who consider consulting might already have what it takes. Still, the following traits will determine whether or not they’re ready.


Desire to Help Others

Consulting isn’t about merely providing a service or deliverable for pay. Instead, consultants enjoy collaborating with clients to solve problems. They empower their clientele with the knowledge and tools for mastering challenges independently, which makes them natural teachers.


Enjoyment of Learning

In addition to teaching, consultants crave learning. Customers come from various fields, and specialists still need a broad knowledge base to help them generate creative solutions. With each new project, consultants can expand their expertise and develop their niche.


Emphasis on the Work

Many people pine for different careers because of the time-consuming tasks that take them away from actual work. In contrast, consultants spend more of their time doing creative, deep work. They don’t manage others or attend departmental meetings. They never fear being promoted out of the work they enjoy.


Desire for Freedom

Although consultants work more than most employees, they have greater control over when they work. They also have more freedom to choose projects. Their time goes toward the output, making the work more satisfying and meaningful.


Penchant for Variety

Most consultants don’t enjoy doing the same kind of work month and after month. They crave a different challenge with each new project. A significant advantage of consulting is the opportunity to develop a new solution or outcome for a new client.


Niche Experience

People looking to completely change their specialty shouldn’t consider consulting. Consultants market themselves in a specialized field where they already have experience and can demonstrate prior results. That’s the kind of expert a company wants to hire, not a generalist who offers wide-ranging advice that doesn’t apply to an actual problem.


Prepared for Financial Precariousness

Consultants know not to expect the same compensation structure they got as an employee. Consultants don’t get regular paychecks, employer-matched retirement contributions, or taxes withheld. Consultants have to work hard to keep the cash flow steady despite the workload fluctuations. They also have to keep track of their finances.


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